
Thibaud Marie-Regnault


Thibaud joined Candriam’s Economic Research Team in January 2021, rising to Economist in 2023.

Before joining Candriam, he worked within economic research teams in the financial sector including Rothchild & Co and La Banque Postale. His missions included the close monitoring of the global economic and political developments and their interactions with the financial markets.

Thibaud holds a Bachelor in Economics and Finance from McGill University and a Masters in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, with emphasis in econometrics

Discover the latest articles by Thibaud Marie-Regnault

Nadège Dufossé, Thibaut Dorlet, Thibaud Marie-Regnault, Activa-allocatie, Macro, Aandelen, Vastrentende effecten, Outlook 2023

Candriam's vooruitzichten voor halverwege het jaar

Nu we halverwege het jaar zijn, lijkt het erop dat een recessie aan beide zijden van de Atlantische Oceaan kan worden vermeden, maar de groeivoorspellingen blijven zwak...
Activa-allocatie, Nadège Dufossé, Florence Pisani, Stefan Keller, Thibaud Marie-Regnault

Russia-Ukraine conflict: geopolitical minefield for markets

Following weeks of rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has recognised the independence of two Moscow-backed regions in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

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