
Stefan Keller, PhD, CFA

Senior Multi-Asset Strategist

Stefan Keller has been a Senior Multi-Asset Strategist at Candriam in Luxemburg since 2015.

Prior to joining Candriam, he was Managing Director at Scope Ratings in Berlin. His other positions include six years as Strategist, Portfolio Manager, and Head of Managed Account Platform Research at Lyxor Asset Management in Paris, Senior Economist at Exane responsible for the Global Asset Allocation publication, Economist/Strategist at CA Cheuvreux, and a bond market Analyst for BNP Paribas.  

Stefan holds a degree from Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (1993) and a PhD in Economics (1998) from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is co-author of the Guide des Indicateurs de Marché, published in 2008. He is also a CFA Charterholder. 

Discover the latest articles by Stefan Keller, PhD, CFA

Florence Pisani, Stefan Keller, Outlook 2025

Het Duitse economische model in kwestie

Tussen 2005 en 2017, toen de meeste economieën in de eurozone het gewicht van hun industrie zagen afnemen en hun exportmarktaandeel zagen krimpen, viel Duitsland op door zijn krachtige industrie, zijn solide marktaandeel... en zijn begrotingsdiscipline. In deze periode groeide het Duitse bbp 10% sneller dan in de rest van de zone. Duitsland en zijn sociale model van medebeheer (Mitbestimmung) worden al lang als voorbeeld gesteld.
Asset Allocation, Nadège Dufossé, Florence Pisani, Stefan Keller, Thibaud Marie-Regnault

Russia-Ukraine conflict: geopolitical minefield for markets

Following weeks of rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has recognised the independence of two Moscow-backed regions in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

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