Lamine Saidi has been managing Emerging Markets Equities portfolios for Candriam since 2005. He has been the lead manager for Candriam’s Sustainable EM strategies since 2008. Once a pioneering area, Lamine has accompanied the journey of sustainable emerging markets to a mainstream concept and asset category.
Prior to joining Candriam, Lamine was with Fortis Investment in Paris and Swicorp Financial Advisory in Geneva.
Lamine holds a Master’s degree in Banking and Financial Econometrics from University of Aix-en-Provence in France.
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Q&A, Emerging Markets, Paulo Salazar, Philip Screve, Lamine Saidi
Paulo Salazar, Philip Scrève en Lamine Saidi leggen uit waarom beleggers steeds optimistischer worden over groeilandenaandelen. Ze lichten toe op welke manier ze op zoek gaan naar groeisegmenten.