
Johann Mauchand

Senior Systematic Fund Manager

Johann Mauchand has been a Systematic Fund Manager at Candriam since 2013. He began his career as a statistical arbitrage analyst at HSBC in 2005, joining Candriam a year later as a quantitative alternative management analyst. He took up his current role in 2013.

He has master’s degrees in mathematics from the University of Dijon in France and in financial engineering from the University of Evry in France.

Discover the latest articles by Johann Mauchand

Research Paper, Johann Mauchand, Alternative Investments, Activa-allocatie

Alternatieve strategieën : Is 40/30/30 de nieuwe 60/40?

2022 was een mijlpaal voor het monetaire beleid, waarbij de centrale banken hun prioriteit verlegden van het ondersteunen van de groei naar het beteugelen van de inflatie.
Outlook 2023, Johann Mauchand, Steeve Brument, CTA

CTA's: "De tocht van de Valkyrie's"

Harde landing of zachte? Van Draghi's "Whatever it takes" tot Powell's "Whatever it costs", we weten dat de markten klaar zijn voor spannende tijden. CTA's richten zich op de volgende beweging, of die nu hard of zacht is.  
CTA, Alternative Investments, Activa-allocatie, Johann Mauchand, Research Paper, Steeve Brument

Lachen! CTA convexiteit gaat niet verloren...

De convexiteit, of "glimlach", van CTA-fondsen evolueert in de tijd, maar sommige glimlachen zijn breder dan andere
Research Paper, CTA, Alternative Investments, Activa-allocatie, Steeve Brument, Johann Mauchand

Interest rates go up

After several decades of riding a government bonds bull market, investors are now looking for alternative drivers of return. Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) strategies, with their ability to make gains in rising, as well as falling markets, have historically been able to improve risk-adjusted returns when introduced to a balanced portfolio. However, a question that investors can legitimately ask today is how are CTAs impacted by rising interest rates?

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