Lucia Meloni

Lucia Meloni

Lead ESG analyst, ESG Investments & Research

Lucia Meloni joined Candriam as an ESG Analyst at Candriam in 2011. Besides her role as the Lead ESG analyst covering the Financials sector, Lucia coordinates the corporate governance analysis across the ESG model, developing specific processes according to asset class and special situations (Good Governance, LBO etc…).

Lucia also develops and coordinates positions and views on broad topics surrounding corporate governance, such as ESG metrics on executive remuneration and Cryptocurrencies. Lucia plays a key role to the development and follow-up of sustainable bonds investments within Candriam. She came to Candriam from a position as a corporate governance research analyst at RiskMetrics in 2010.

Lucia holds a bachelors degree in political economics and a masters in economics and finance, both from the LUISS Guido Carli Business School in Rome.

Discover the latest articles by Lucia Meloni

Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Cemre Aksu, Lucia Meloni

De staat van betaling: ESG-kenmerken in de beloning van bestuurders

Beursgenoteerde ondernemingen zijn begonnen met het integreren van ESG-prestaties maatstaven in het beloningspakket van hun managers als onderdeel van inspanningen om meer transparantie over hun verantwoordingsplicht tegenover de aandeelhouders.