
Louis De Langalerie

Fixed Income Quantitative Analyst

Louis joined Candriam in 2022 as a Fixed Income & ESG Analyst intern before transitioning to his current role as Fixed Income Quantitative Analyst. Prior to joining Candriam, he worked for Anaxis AM and OFI AM.  

Louis holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Economics and a Master's degree in Economic and Financial Engineering from the University Paris Dauphine. He also holds an Engineering degree from CY-TECH (University of Paris). 

Discover the latest articles by Louis De Langalerie

Research Paper, Adapt to thrive, Louis De Langalerie, Diquel Dos Santos, ESG, SRI, Obbligazioni

L’enigma del fair value: comprendere il reddito fisso nell'economia di oggi

In un’era in cui le decisioni sono prese seguendo i dati e le dinamiche economiche sono molto complesse, Candriam ha sviluppato un approccio sofisticato alla comprensione e alla gestione del mercato del reddito fisso.
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