
Dany da Fonseca, CFA

Senior Portfolio Manager

Dany da Fonseca has been a Senior Portfolio Manager and Credit Analyst with Candriam’s investment grade credit team since 2022.  

Prior to that, Dany was a Credit Portfolio Manager at Amundi Asset Management where he co-managed and co-developed ESG strategies and a Risk Analyst at Amundi Pioneer in the US. 

Dany holds a Master´s degree in Management from the ESSEC Business School and a Master’s in Engineering from ESTP Paris. He has been a CFA Charterholder since 2021. 

Discover the latest articles by Dany da Fonseca, CFA 

Research Paper, Adapt to thrive, ESG, SRI, Obbligazioni, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni

Oltre i Green Bond

Le nuove norme europee sulla trasparenza, nel loro insieme, rappresentano un punto di svolta per le obbligazioni investment grade in euro (CSRD, SFDR e un’etichetta di green bond dell’UE).
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