
Louis De Langalerie

Fixed Income Quantitative Analyst

Louis joined Candriam in 2022 as a Fixed Income & ESG Analyst intern before transitioning to his current role as Fixed Income Quantitative Analyst. Prior to joining Candriam, he worked for Anaxis AM and OFI AM.  

Louis holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Economics and a Master's degree in Economic and Financial Engineering from the University Paris Dauphine. He also holds an Engineering degree from CY-TECH (University of Paris). 

Discover the latest articles by Louis De Langalerie

Research Paper, Adapt to thrive, Louis De Langalerie, Diquel Dos Santos, ESG, SRI, Fixed Income

L’enigma del fair value: comprendere il reddito fisso nell'economia di oggi

In un’era in cui le decisioni sono prese seguendo i dati e le dinamiche economiche sono molto complesse, Candriam ha sviluppato un approccio sofisticato alla comprensione e alla gestione del mercato del reddito fisso.
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