
Hien Nguyen

ESG Analyst

Joining Candriam in 2021 as an ESG Analyst for Emerging Markets, Hien has developed her ESG experience from both the asset owner side as well as the asset manager side. Her previous experience includes roles as an SRI analyst at both AXA Group and AXA IM, including equity
and debt issuer analysis, green bond assessment, engagement, regulatory trends, and reporting
issues. As a consultant with Ernst & Young, she helped insurance companies, asset managers, and
other financial institutions to develop and evaluate ESG and Impact
Hien holds a Master's degree in International Economic Policy from Sciences Po Paris, with
a specialization in emerging economies, and a Bachelors of
Economics Degree from Sciences Po with a specialization in International Studies.

Discover the latest articles by Hien Nguyen

Lucia Meloni, Hien Nguyen, Vincent Compiègne, ESG, SRI, Research Paper

La governance aziendale nei mercati emergenti: cosa c'è dietro le quinte?

Vediamo ancora discrepanze nelle attuali pratiche di governance aziendale tra i mercati sviluppati ed emergenti. Alcuni paesi hanno rafforzato i compiti e le funzioni del Consiglio, nonché la trasparenza e la comunicazione con gli azionisti, dimostrando la volontà di migliorare i propri standard di sostenibilità. Tuttavia si potrebbero fare ulteriori progressi.
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