
Alfred Sandeman

ESG Analyst - Investments and Research

Alfred joined the ESG Research Team as a Sovereign analyst in 2023, expanding his role in 2024 to include ESG analysis of Technology and Semiconductor sectors.  

He began his career as a Research Economist in the UK Government Economic Service, evaluating the economic impact of policy in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Following this, Alfred undertook a role as an equity research analyst at VSA Capital.  

Alfred holds first class honours in Economics from the University of Leeds. 

Discover the latest articles by Alfred Sandeman

Johan Van der Biest, Vincent Compiègne, Alfred Sandeman, Outlook 2025

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L'intelligence artificielle fascine par sa puissance et son potentiel économique. Quels bouleversements et opportunités pouvons-nous anticiper pour 2025 ? Introduction Les investisseurs sont souvent appelés à anticiper les tendances de demain, et notre communauté est unanime : l'intelligence artificielle représente l'avenir. Mais cette technologie continuera-t-elle à nous surprendre ?

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