
Alix Chosson

Lead ESG Analyst – Environmental Research & Investments

Alix Chosson joined Candriam in 2020 as the Lead ESG Analyst for Environmental Research & Investments. 

Alix has thirteen years of experience as ESG Analyst in SRI research and portfolio management teams. She started her career at Amundi in 2010 and has more recently been sell-side ESG analyst at Natixis before joining in 2018 DNCA to contribute to the creation of the SRI team and range of funds. 

Alix graduated from Science Po Lyon with a master in economics and finance in 2010. In 2011 she obtained a Master in Portfolio Management from the IAE Paris 12.


Discover the latest articles by Alix Chosson

Biodiversity, ESG, SRI, Marie Niemczyk, Alix Chosson, Research Paper

La biodiversité est-elle un enjeu lié à l’investissement ?

Les investisseurs qui omettent de prendre en compte la biodiversité dans leurs portefeuilles aggravent le problème global, réduisant ainsi le potentiel de croissance et décuplant le risque que comportent leurs placements. Ces deux systèmes connexes s’entremêlent et créent une spirale négative.