Sovereign Sustainability

Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Sovereign Sustainability, Vincent Compiègne, Kroum Sourov, Water

El agua es algo más que un recurso

Puede que el cambio climático sea la mayor amenaza para la sostenibilidad, pero la vulnerabilidad hídrica es potencialmente la más urgente, ya que es probable que se manifieste en un plazo más corto.
ESG, SRI, Kroum Sourov, Sovereign Sustainability, Research Paper, Wim Van Hyfte

La sostenibilidad en la era del cisne gris

Un «cisne gris» es un acontecimiento posible y conocido, potencialmente significativo, pero considerado improbable.
Emerging Markets, Renta fija, Sovereign Sustainability

Lula’s Amazon stance appeals but will he deliver on the economy?

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva narrowly won the second round of Brazil’s election, beating incumbent Jair Bolsonaro. Initial fears that Bolsonaro wouldn’t accept the result, particularly if it was tight, have receded. Bolsonaro said that he would follow the constitution and play by the rules, while his chief of staff, acknowledged the defeat.
Research Paper, Kroum Sourov, Wim Van Hyfte, ESG, SRI, Sovereign Sustainability

Sovereign Analysis - Is the EU on Track for 2050 'Net Zero'?

In formalizing its 2050 carbon neutrality commitment, the EU Roadmap 2050 specifies goals and a roadmap for target emissions reductions and removals, scenarios, interim goals for 2030, and five-yearly progress reviews. While breakdowns of these targets by country are not yet set, the body of data available is already overwhelming. To create a manageable picture for investors, we discuss some of the assumptions and some of the key changes needed.
Research Paper, Sovereign Sustainability, Kroum Sourov, ESG, SRI, Wim Van Hyfte

El nuevo modelo de sostenibilidad soberana

El precio de la Sostenibilidad Soberana: Ya existe una comunidad en el ámbito de las finanzas que se compromete a añadir valor para los inversores, al tiempo que contribuye a cambiar el mundo de manera colectiva. Tanto nosotros como la siguiente generación no merecemos menos.

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