Turning trends into investment opportunities

Our world is constantly evolving, shaped by trends that impact economies and society. While some of those trends are viral and short-lived, some others are large scale and impactful over several decades. What we are looking for are trends with the potential to trigger and drive disruptive structural changes in our societies, covering political, economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions. Because our conviction is that they may be a source of opportunities for well-positioned innovative companies. Our sector specialists use their expertise and deep industry knowledge to identify these opportunities and translate them into attractive investment portfolios.

At Candriam, we consider five megatrends: demographic evolution, health care and well-being, technological innovation, overexploitation of natural resources, and climate change.  

Johan Van der Biest
Head of Thematic Global Equity
Thematic approaches can uncover investment opportunities that go beyond sector and regional approaches. We have built this range of strategies to enable our clients to access high-potential companies that should benefit from powerful secular trends.

Five megatrends shaping our future

Demographic evolution

Steady population growth, combined with changing consumption patterns, will continue to fuel demand for natural resources. Landscapes are deeply modified by increasing urbanization. New skills and higher productivity are needed to compensate for the decline of the working-age population in the largest countries. New challenges require new approaches.


Global population by 2059
(2.5bn in 1950, 5bn in 1987,
9bn by 2037)

United Nations, Global populations forecast, median scenario


of world population will
live in urban areas
by 2050

World Bank, United Nations

Healthcare and well-being

Thanks to better access to quality healthcare, the global population is ageing. Soon there will be more people over 60 years than children under 15, generating increased demand for health care solutions. Populations living a longer healthy life, on the back of improved hygiene, nutrition and living conditions, have new needs. New opportunities arise in many sectors including health care, technology and leisure.


Global expected life expectancy at birth by 2050
(64 in 1990)

World population prospects 2022,
United Nations

+5.4 years

the increase of number of years a person can expected to be in good health since 2000

Healthy life expectancy at birth, World Health Organisation

Discover our Healthcare and Fight against Cancer strategies
Technological innovation

With technological breakthroughs continuously emerging, our environment at home or at work is increasingly digitalized and automated. Industries are revolutionized by technological innovation. Automation and robotics, AI, Internet of Things , virtual and augmented reality are driving a wave of disruption across all industries. Efficiency gains facilitate the development of sustainable solutions to challenges such as labour shortage and resource scarcity.

$2 trillion

the estimated global artificial intelligence market by 2030

Next Move Strategy Consulting / Statista


expected annual growth rate for industrial robots from 2021 to 2030

Allied Market Research


Climate change

Major economies and companies around the globe have pledged to become climate neutral by 2050 or later. To meet the emergency of the energy transition, investments in renewable energy infrastructure need to accelerate. Urgent action is also needed to limit greenhouse gas emissions causing the temperature rise and a higher frequency of extreme weather events. Industries such as low carbon transports and their supporting infrastructures should benefit from these investments, as well as energy efficiency programs across buildings, industries, and transportation.


Contribution of renewables
to the CO2 emissions reduction scenario by 2050


14kg CO2

is released daily in the
atmosphere by
each person

Idealab – Renewable Energy Technology & Developments

Discover our strategy fighting climate change
Natural resource depletion

Our natural resources are threatened by population growth and increasing consumption. Our current economic model needs to be reviewed to acknowledge for its negative externalities, such as pollution and major climate disruption. Circular economy, which revolves around the more virtuous model of “Reuse, Recycle, Regenerate”, offers a solution by reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. Its potential opportunities are immense.


Earth overshoot day 

comes earlier each year

The day, each year, when we have used the global natural resources that can be replenished in a full year.


Emissions from recycled battery materials are about

4 times

lower than virgin materials

Mc Kinsey Battery insights

Discover our strategy investing for circularity and our Water strategy

Figures are worth a thousand words.

12.2 bn€

In AuM  




Years of experience in managing thematic equity funds  

A forward-looking approach for a high conviction investment process

At Candriam, we want to make the most of each thematic opportunity with a pure and forward-looking approach. This is why we apply a dedicated thematic screening to each thematic investment strategy. In most strategies, for a company to be eligible, we require a minimum revenue exposure to one or preferably several thematic subthemes. It allows the investor to benefit from a full exposure to his or her preferred investment theme. Each shortlisted company is then analysed using our fundamental five-step equity framework, which embeds ESG criteria in each of its steps. We focus on the companies that are offering or developing promising solutions, companies that really make a difference.

Fundamental framework

Fundamental analysis is essential to a successful stock selection. Candriam’s fundamental equity framework includes five pillars: quality of management, underlying business growth, competitive advantage, value creation and financial leverage. ESG is embedded at each step.  

ESG integration

Our strategies exclude companies active in controversial activities and those violating the UN Global Compact. Companies’ ESG scores on our Stakeholders and Business Activities Analysis are integrated in our fundamental framework and valuation model. This allows us to better understand the risks and opportunities associated with non-financial criteria.  

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