Conviction and responsibility are our watchwords.
Building for the long term
"Conviction" through our investment choices and the importance of being a long-term partner for you. "Responsibility" through our ESG expertise and our daily commitment to you. Our constant ambition is to specialise in order to support you and meet your needs and constraints as closely as possible: ALM experts and in-house actuaries, managers who are specialists in their market, independent risk control experts, a dedicated reporting service, and groups that monitor regulatory developments and their impact on your balance sheet
Practical example/Case study

Seeking optimisation of the core bond portfolio with integration of ESG objectives, without increasing the overall risk of the portfolio.

Our proposal
Revision of the bond portfolio by integrating cross-over elements (bond exposure to investment grade and high yield securities), adding exposure to emerging debt, while improving the overall ESG rating of the bond portfolio.

Expertise mobilised
- The ability to improve the ESG rating of a portfolio while maintaining the potential return without increasing the tracking error[1] compared to the benchmark.
- Financial engineering to model and backtest[2] a newly constructed portfolio
- A wide range of diversifying investment solutions
[1] Tracking error is a statistical measure of the dispersion of the fund's excess returns around the mean, i.e. the volatility of the difference between the fund's returns and its benchmark. A higher tracking error indicates a greater deviation from the benchmark.
[2]Backtesting consists of testing the relevance of a strategy using a large set of real historical data to verify how the portfolio would have behaved if it had been launched earlier.