Complaints Procedure
You can address your complaints to Candriam free of charge:
* via Contact | Candriam or complaints(at)candriam.com or atencionalcliente(at)candriam.com (for Spanish investors)
* via post:
Compliance Department
19-21 route d’Arlon
Serenity Bloc B,
8009 Strassen
The Head of Business Units concerned will acknowledge receipt of any complaint within, at most, ten working days of receipt of said complaint, unless, that is, we directly provide an appropriate reply prior to that deadline. In all cases, we shall deliver an appropriate reply within, at most, one month following receipt of the complaint.).
Should no agreement be forthcoming, and depending on the jurisdiction in which the complaint is to be resolved, the client shall be entitled to submit their complaint to the superiors of the professional whose details will, if necessary, be sent to the client and /or submit a request for out-of-court complaint resolution to :
Belgium | Ombudsfin |
Ombudsfin | |
North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, n°8, bte. 2 | |
1000 Brussels. | |
Tél. : +32 2 545 77 70 | |
Fax : +32 2 545 77 79 | |
E-mail : Ombudsman(at)Ombudsfin.be | |
Site : www.ombudsfin.be | |
France | Médiateur de l'AMF |
Médiateur de l'AMF, | |
17 place de la Bourse | |
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02. | |
The form for requesting mediation from the AMF and the charter for mediation are available on the Website http://www.amf-france.org |
Germany | BaFin |
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht | |
Street: Graurheindorfer Straße 108 | |
Post code: 53117 Bonn | |
Country: Germany | |
Phone:+ 49 (0)228 4108-0 | |
Website : https://www.bafin.de | |
Italy | CONSOB |
CONSOB - Consumer Protection Office - Via G. B. Martini, 3 | |
00198 Rome (Italy) | |
by fax: +39 06 8416 703 or +39 06 8417 707 | |
https://www.acf.consob.it/ | |
Luxembourg | CSSF |
CSSF - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier | |
283, route d’Arlon | |
L-1150, Luxembourg | |
CSSF Regulation N ° 16-07 concerning the out-of-court settlement of claims published in the Mémorial A - n ° 228 of 11 November 2016. It is also available on the CSSF website | |
The complaint must be presented to the CSSF within a maximum of one year from the date on which the claimant lodged his claim (with the same object) to the director in charge of the professional. | |
Netherlands | Kifid (AFM) |
Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (Kifid) | |
Postbus 93257 | |
2509 AG, DEN HAAG | |
Telephone: 070-333 8 999 | |
www.kifid.nl | |
https://www.afm.nl/en/consumenten/themas/klacht | |
Spain | Cominsionado para la Defensa del Inversor de la CNMV |
Comisionado para la Defensa del Inversor de la CNMV | |
Correo electrónico : inversores(at)cnmv.es | |
Oficina en Madrid: | |
Torre Serrano | |
Serrano, 47 | |
28001 Madrid | |
Teléfono : 902 149 200 | |
Fax : 91 585 17 01 | |
Oficina en Barcelona: | |
Passeig de Gràcia, 19-4a | |
08007 Barcelona | |
Teléfono : 902 149 200 | |
Fax : 93 304 73 10 | |
Référence légale : Orden ECO 734 2004, de 11 de marzo | |
*can be reached at least 1 month after the application | |
Switzerland | Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS) |
A complaint can be filed: | |
Online | |
Address: | |
Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS)CH-8001 Zürich | |
Phone: | |
Switzerland: 044 552 08 00 | |
Abroad: +41-44 552 08 00 | |
Email: info@finos.ch | |
Website: www.finos.ch | |
Dubaï | DFSA |
A complaint can be filed: | |
Online | |
Complaints can also be filed via mail to DFSA, Level 13, The Gate, PO Box 75850, Dubai, UAE or via facsimile +971 (0)4 362 0801 | |
UK | Ombudsman for financial conflicts |
The Financial Ombudsman Service | |
Exchange TowerLondon | |
E14 9SR | |
E-mail : complaint.info(at)financial-ombudsman.org.uk | |
Website : http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/ | |
*can be reached at least 1 month after the application |