Our expertise oncology

Be part of the solution: investing in oncology companies

Cancer remains the second-leading cause of death globally. As the incidence of cancer increases with age, its prevalence is unfortunately linked to the ageing of the world's population. While advances are being made, the needs and markets for solutions remain large, creating investment opportunities. Candriam's roughly two decades of experience in Biotech investing provide the specialized scientific and investment skills necessary to benefit from these investment opportunities.

Why invest in oncology?

Be Part of the Solution: Investing in oncology companies is a way to join in the solution to one of our society's great global problems.

A Dramatic Need: Despite scientific advances, the outlook for patients is not good enough. Agencies such as the National Institution of Health and the World Health Organization forecast a worldwide increase in cancer deaths between 2012 and 2030 from 8 million to 13 million annually.

Cancer is complex; it is not a single disease. The category encompasses solid tumors such as lung, skin, breast and kidney, as well as blood cancers such as lymphoma and leukaemia.

Possible Investment Opportunities on Multiple Fronts: Progress on many fronts offers opportunities for investors. Better Diagnosis methods, better 'profiling' to match the solution to the patient, Better Technology for precision treatment to improve outcomes and reduce side effects, Better Drugs to enable our own immune systems to fight these diseases.

The candriam difference

Investing and Sharing: By investing in the strategy, investors can potentially benefit from high-growth companies, while supporting cancer research directly through donations. 10% of the net management fees earned by Candriam on the strategy go to oncology organisations which are at the forefront of innovative cancer research projects or provide social outreach and patient care.

Relevant and Complementary Investment Team: Candriam's Oncology Team is composed of investor-scientists; indeed, one manager has earned both a PhD and a CFA. The investments demand a thorough understanding of the science to gauge product demand. Equally, the investments demand thorough valuation, particularly given the great disparity in investment returns, ranging from failures to game-changers.

Candriam Has Long Experience in Healthcare Investments
Almost 20 years of award-winning Biotech investing under same lead manager as Oncology

  • Thorough investment process
  • Combination of long investing experience and cutting-edge technical experts
  • Candriam Team uses time-tested proprietary valuation models for both large equities, and specially-tailored valuation for not-yet-profitable start-up tech companies

Our expertise

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