The Big Shrink – How to navigate High Yield markets?

Definitely a new era for fixed income markets!

High yield markets are shrinking. Do you know that they have contracted by 25% over the past two years? The ICE BofA BB-B Global High Yield Index has lost $654 billion[1] in value. In the meanwhile, investor demand for credit and high yield has rebounded at the end of last year.

Definitely a new era for fixed income markets! ;
Nicolas Jullien, CFA
Global Head of Fixed Income
Demand for credit has been very strong since Q4 2023, in a shrinking market and amid low credit dispersion. We think it is very important to remain focused on fundamentals and to be prepared for when the tide goes out.

Navigating High Yield Markets

What are the factors explaining this contraction? Will this situation last? Take 5 minutes and discover the analysis by Nicolas Jullien, CFA, Head of High Yield & Credit Arbitrage

Take also a minute to hear Charudatta Shende our Head of Client Portfolio Management Fixed Income, discuss our investment team’s analysis of the situation on credit markets. You will understand which strengths made the success of our credit team for the past twenty years!

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    The Big Shrink – How to navigate High Yield markets?

    High yield markets are shrinking. Do you know that they have contracted by 25% over the past two years? The ICE BofA BB-B Global High Yield Index has lost $654 million in value. In the meanwhile, investor demand for credit and high yield has rebounded at the end of last year.

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