World Cancer Day 2023

This is World Cancer Day. Again.

And we would rather not have to go through this – which would mean we won the battle and cancer is curable.

Until that day, we need to be reminded that cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and that one of every two men and one every three women risk developing a cancer before they turn 85*. This means all of us are, have been, or will be affected, directly, or indirectly through our loved ones. Did you know there are over 100 types of cancer?


*American Cancer Society, Fondation de FranceCancer Research UK

  • Malgorzata Kluba, PhD
    Senior Biotechnology Analyst

The battle against cancer

Innovation is the only way out

Oncology research is transforming the landscape at a high pace, extending patients’ life expectancy and improving their quality of life. Developments are encouraging, but there is still so much to be done. Cutting-edge technological innovations are key to the development of new cancer treatments, but also to improved diagnosis and prevention strategies. From chemotherapy to targeted therapies, big steps have been achieved. It is important to continue supporting research if we hope to end the suffering caused by cancer.

In this paper, Malgorzata Kluba and Pasquale Sansone, our Biotechnology experts, send a hopeful message by shedding light on some of the most recent breakthroughs in cancer therapy. Thanks to research, better drugs will allow to prolong or even save patients’ life.

The oncology market: high-growth, multiple opportunities

Since 2018, we have supported cancer research and treatment through our Fight against cancer strategy*, which seeks to invest in businesses around the world developing cancer treatment products and services - including diagnoses, tumor profiling, technology and treatments. There are enormous needs in these domains which potentially offer double-digit growth rates - hence plenty of investment opportunities. Find why and how in this video featuring Ken Van Weyenberg, our Senior Client Portfolio Director on thematic strategies.

* All our investment strategies are exposed to risks, including the risk of loss of capital

We invest, and we also donate

Beyond contributing to financing research, we donate part of our revenues to institutes working in cancer research and prevention and support for patients and their families, through the Candriam Institute for Sustainable Development. Our partners include Gustave Roussy in France, Fondation contre le Cancer/ Stichting tegen Kanker (Bel), asociación espanola contra el cáncer (Esp), Japan Cancer Society et National Cancer Center (Jap), Institut für Tumorbiologie und Experimentelle Therapie (All), Krebsforschung Schweiz (Suis), Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (It), Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Lux), MacMillan Cancer Support (G-B), and Big breast International Group (Int’l).

Candriam has already contributed € 1.5 million over three years, and we hope to give more in the years to come.

We act. Because we care.

  • EN
    Innovation at the heart of oncology
  • DE
    Innovation im Zentrum der Onkologie
  • ES
    La innovación en el epicentro de la oncología
  • FR
    L’innovation au coeur de l’oncologie
  • IT
    L'innovazione al centro dell'oncologia
  • NL
    Innovatie centraal bij oncologie

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