Candriam Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral
Fund details
Morningstar launched the Morningstar Sustainability Rating (MSR) to help investors consider Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria when assessing their investments. Morningstar Sustainability globes are calculated using bottom-up assessments of the underlying securities of a portfolio, supported by the Sustainalytics methodology for assessing the ESG risk of companies and sovereigns. The Morningstar Sustainability Rating has several steps to accurately represent the relative risk within each portfolio. The result of the rating is a category of 1 to 5 “globes” for each eligible portfolio, indicating the fund’s ESG positioning relative to its peer group.
Marketing Communication. Please refer to the prospectus of the fund and to the key investor information document before making any investment decision. The documents can be obtained free of charge
The Fund/s mentioned in this document are not subject to the UK sustainability disclosure and labelling regime. Further information on the regime for retail consumer: Sustainability disclosure and labelling regime | FCA
The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KIID.
The risk category is calculated on the basis of historical performance and is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the fund’s future risk profile.
It may change in the future and is not guaranteed.
The lowest category does not mean no risk.;
The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KIID.<br>The risk category is calculated on the basis of historical performance and is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the fund’s future risk profile. <br>It may change in the future and is not guaranteed. <br>The lowest category does not mean no risk.
Historical NAV
Candriam Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral
Historical NAV
€STR (Euro Short Term Rate) Capitalized
R - GBP - Hedged Cap
This graph represents the synthetic net asset value of the fund. It is provided for information and illustrative purposes only. The synthetic net asset value is obtained by a recalculation of the values of the fund’s assets by leveling out the effect of securities transactions (split, coupon, dividend distribution...) in order to reflect the real performance of the fund share or unit. Data may be rounded for convenience. Data expressed in a currency other than that of the investor's country of residence is subject to exchange rate fluctuations, with a positive or negative impact. Gross performance may be impacted by commissions, fees and other expenses.
Legal documents
About this fund
1. Within the scope of the implementation of the investment strategy:
- Equities and/or securities equivalent to equities of companies from developed and/or emerging countries, of any capitalisation,
- Forward contracts (futures, options and swaps) on regulated or OTC markets. These products are used for the purposes of exposure, arbitrage or hedging. The underlyings of these derivative financial instruments can be:
* Equities and/or securities equivalent to equities,
* Equities indices,
* Units in undertakings for collective investment,
* Currencies, for hedging purposes,
- Securities lending transactions,
- Exchange traded notes on equities indices,
- Units in undertakings for collective investment.
2. Within the context of cash management:
- Money market instruments with a short-term rating of at least A-2 when acquired (or equivalent) from one of the ratings agencies, issued by all types of issuers,
- Repurchases and reverse repurchases,
- Bonds and other debt securities with a short-term rating of at least A-2 when acquired (or equivalent) from one of the ratings agencies,
- Transferable securities or equivalent money market instruments other than those described above, deposits or cash.
Investment strategy:
The fund seeks to achieve capital growth by investing in the principal assets traded and to achieve a performance better than that of the benchmark.
In order to achieve its management objective, the fund follows the “Equity Market Neutral” management style, which means that, depending on the investment opportunities it identifies and on the basis of quantitative and qualitative analyses, the asset manager will simultaneously take long positions on equities that he or she believes, all things being equal, have the potential to increase in value, and short positions on other equities.
This management style makes it possible to maintain a limited net exposure to equity markets. For more information on the identification of investment opportunities and quantitative and qualitative analyses, please refer to the prospectus.
The fund does not have sustainable investment as its objective and does not specifically promote environmental and/or social characteristics.
The fund may make use of derivative products for both investment and hedging purposes (to protect against future unfavourable financial events).
Benchmark: €STR (Euro Short Term Rate) Capitalized.
The fund is managed actively and the investment approach implies a reference to a benchmark (the index).
Benchmark definition:
The €STR is the short term rate in euros that reflects unsecured overnight borrowing costs in euros for banks in the euro zone.
Use of the benchmark:
- for performance comparison purposes,
- to calculate the performance fee for some share classes.
Investment Team

Historical NAV
Historical NAV
Candriam Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral
Historical NAV
€STR (Euro Short Term Rate) Capitalized
R - GBP - Hedged Cap
This graph represents the synthetic net asset value of the fund. It is provided for information and illustrative purposes only. The synthetic net asset value is obtained by a recalculation of the values of the fund’s assets by leveling out the effect of securities transactions (split, coupon, dividend distribution...) in order to reflect the real performance of the fund share or unit. Data may be rounded for convenience. Data expressed in a currency other than that of the investor's country of residence is subject to exchange rate fluctuations, with a positive or negative impact. Gross performance may be impacted by commissions, fees and other expenses.
Cumulative Return
1 year | |
Fund | 6.39 |
Benchmark | 1.70 |
Difference | 4.69 |
Additional information
The graph – which is provided for information purposes only, and not as an exact measurement of net fund assets – adapts to market developments (currency conversions, coupons, splits, …). Figures may be rounded up or down for the sake of convenience. Figures expressed in a currency other than that of investors’ country of residence are subject, for better or for worse, to exchange-rate fluctuation.
The past performance displayed on this page is nor necessarily an indicator of future performance and is not constant over time. NAV 's are provided by the accounting department and benchmarks by official data providers. Average cumulated performances, based on annual calculation of costs and taxes.
Annual return
This chart shows the fund’s performance as the percentage loss or gain per year over the last 1 years.
It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past and compare it to its benchmark.
The index composition may change over time. The performance reported may therefore differ from the performance of the relevant index before its change. Performance is shown after deduction of ongoing charges. Any entry and exit charges are excluded from the calculation. Performances expressed in a currency other than that of the investor's country of residence are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, with a negative or positive impact on gains. If the present document refers to a specific tax treatment, such information depends on the individual situation of each investor and may change. If for one year, there is no performance information, it is because there is no data or the data is insufficient to provide investors with useful or reliable indications on this performance.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Fund | 5.30 % | ||||
Benchmark | -0.96 % | ||||
Difference | 6.26 % |
Additional information
The graph – which is provided for information purposes only, and not as an exact measurement of net fund assets – adapts to market developments (currency conversions, coupons, splits, …). Figures may be rounded up or down for the sake of convenience. Figures expressed in a currency other than that of investors’ country of residence are subject, for better or for worse, to exchange-rate fluctuation.
The past performance displayed on this page is nor necessarily an indicator of future performance and is not constant over time. NAV 's are provided by the accounting department and benchmarks by official data providers. Average cumulated performances, based on annual calculation of costs and taxes.
Risk And Reward Indicators
The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KIID.<br>The risk category is calculated on the basis of historical performance and is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the fund’s future risk profile. <br>It may change in the future and is not guaranteed. <br>The lowest category does not mean no risk.- SRI Date
- SRRI Value
- 7
Main Risks
Arbitrage risk
Arbitrage is a technique which consists in benefiting from the differences in prices recorded (or anticipated) between markets and/or sectors and/or securities and/or currencies and/or instruments. If such arbitrage transactions perform unfavourably (a rise in sell transactions and/or fall in buy transactions), the funds net asset value may fall.
Counterparty Risk
When the fund carry out over-the-counter transactions (i.e. involving instruments not listed on the markets), they are exposed to a risk of default by the counterparty to the transaction.
Currency risk
Funds may hold exposure to a currency different from its valuation currency. Changes in the exchange rate of this currency may negatively affect the value of assets in the portfolio.
Derivative risk
Derivatives are investments whose value depends on (or is derived from) the value of an underlying instrument, such as a security, asset, reference rate or index. Derivative strategies often involve leverage, which may exaggerate a loss, potentially causing the Sub-Fund to lose more money than it would have lost had it invested in the underlying instrument. Using derivatives may result in a higher portfolio volatility related to this underlying asset and an increase of the counterparty risk.
Equity Risk
Some funds may be exposed to equity market risk through direct investment (through transferable securities and/or derivative products), meaning submitted to the positive or negative evolution of stock exchanges. These evolutions can be huge and be mainly driven by expectations relative to macro-economy and company results, speculation and irrational factors (including trends, opinions or rumours).
Risk of loss of capital
Investors are advised that any capital they invest is not guaranteed and that they may therefore not receive back the full amount invested. They may thus suffer a loss.
Sustainability Risk
The sustainability risk refers to any environmental, social or governance event or condition that could affect the performance and / or the reputation of issuers in the portfolio. It may be issuer specific, in line with their activities and practices, but may also be due to external factors.
Other Risks
Conservation risk
The insolvency, negligence or fraudulent acts of a custodian or a sub-custodian may result in the loss of assets. This risk is mitigated by the regulatory obligations of the depositaries.
Credit risk
It constitutes the risk that an issuer or a counterparty default. This risk includes the risk of changes in credit spreads and default risk. The level of credit risk is usually evaluated by using “ratings” representing a comparative assessment of the credit quality (solvency level) of an issuer, issuer or portfolio. “High Yield” investments present the lowest rating levels and therefore a high credit risk.
Delivery risk
In case of liquidation of assets that are subject to a transaction with a counterparty, this last, although contractually obliged, may not be able in operational terms to return the assets quickly enough to allow the fund to honour the sale of these instruments on the market..
Emerging market risk
These markets are characterized by higher volatility issues and a lower liquidity because of legal, political and structural matters. Market movements can be stronger and faster on emerging markets than on “developed markets”, which can lead to a substantial decline in the net asset value in the event of the adverse movements relative to the positions taken.
ESG Investment Risk
ESG investment risk refers to the risks arising from the inclusion of ESG factors in the management process, such as the exclusion of activities or issuers and the inclusion of sustainability risks in the selection and/or allocation of issuers in the portfolio.
Interest rate risk
A change in interest rates, resulting notably from inflation, may cause a risk of losses and reduce the net asset value of the fund.
Legal risk
Litigations of all kinds can occur with a counterparty or a third party. The Management Company aims to reduce these risks by putting in place controls and procedures.
Liquidity risk
lt occurs when a portfolio position cannot be sold, liquidated or closed at a limited cost and within a sufficiently short time, which jeopardizing the fund's ability to comply at any time with its obligations to redeem the shares of investors at their request.
Operational risk
Operational risk encompasses the risks of direct or indirect loss related to a number of factors (eg human errors, fraud and malicious acts, information system failures and external events, etc.) that could have an impact on the fund and / or the investors. The Management Company aims to reduce this risk through the implementation of controls and procedures.
Risk of conflict of interest
The selection of a counterparty based on reasons other than the sole interest of the fund and/or unequal treatment in the management of similar portfolios can result in conflicts of interest.
Volatility risk
A fund may be exposed (taking directional positions or using arbitrage strategies for example) to market volatility risk and could therefore, based on its exposure, suffer losses in the event of changes in the volatility level of these markets.
Risk And Reward Indicators 31/1/25
- Gross Equity Exposure
190.90 %
- Number of Issues
- Long Equity Exposure
107.73 %
- Net Equity Exposure
13.37 %
- Short Equity Exposure
94.37 %
Fund Characteristics
- Fund name
- Candriam Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral
- Benchmark
- €STR (Euro Short Term Rate) Capitalized
- SICAV Name
- Candriam Absolute Return
- Currency
- Legal Form
- Sub-fund of a SICAV under Luxembourg law
- Legal status
- Creation Date
- Domicile Country
- Luxembourg
- Management company, having its registered office in Luxembourg
- CANDRIAM, management Company having its registered office in Luxembourg.
- Depository bank
- CACEIS Bank, Luxembourg Branch
- Transfer agent
- CACEIS Bank, Luxembourg Branch
- Term of fund
- The fund has no limited term
- Anti Dilution system
- no
Swing Pricing is a mechanism by which the net asset value is adjusted upwards (or downwards) if the change in liabilities is positive (or negative) in such a way as to reduce for existing investors the portfolio restructuring costs linked to subscription/ redemption movements in the fund. On valuation days where the difference between the amount of subscriptions and the amount of redemptions of a sub-fund (i.e. net transactions) exceeds a threshold set beforehand by the Board of Directors, the latter shall be entitled to:
- value the net asset value by adding to the assets (in the case of net subscriptions) or deducting from assets (at net redemptions) a fixed percentage of the fees corresponding to market practices and reflecting the fees and/or conditions of liquidity when buying or selling securities;
- value the securities portfolio on the basis of bid or ask prices;
- assess the net asset value by setting a level of spreads representative of the relevant market;
- The dilution mechanism must not exceed 2% of the net asset value, except in exceptional circumstances, as in the event of a sharp decrease in liquidity, which would then be detailed for the sub-fund concerned in the annual (semi-) annual report of the SICAV.
Instrument characteristics
- Share Class
- R - GBP - Hedged - Cap
- Benchmark
- €STR (Euro Short Term Rate) Capitalized
- Currency
- First NAV Date
- 16/11/23
- LU2697995103
- Recommended investment horizon
- 3 years
- Bloomberg ticker
- Morningstar ticker
- F00001HGUB
- Marketing authorization
- Luxembourg; Switzerland; United Kingdom
Tax, Charges & Fees
- Management fees (max)
- 1.20 %
- Subscription
- 5.00 %
- Redemption
- 0.00 %
- Entry Costs
- 5.00%
- Exit Costs
- 0.00%
Transaction Fees
- Portfolio transaction costs
- 1.00%
Performance fees
- Performance fee value
- 20.00%
Ongoing cost
- Ongoing cost value
- 1.05%
Order Subscription
- Subscription cut off
- D-1 12:00
Order redemption
- Redemption cut off
- D-1 12:00
Nav Specification
- Frequency valuation
- Daily
- NAV date
- D
- NAV calculation Day
- D+1
Nav Aum
- Aum currency
- Aum value
- 448,522,850.30
- Aum date
- Yesterday
Nav aum for share class
- Last nav date
- Yesterday
- Last nav value
- 159.45
Legal documents - R - GBP - Hedged Cap
Download all legal documentsShareholder Documents
Download all shareholder documentsAnnual and semi-annual reports
Download all annual documentsFactsheet and Fund Comments
Download all fact sheet documentsAwards
Other information
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus of the funds and to the key information document before making any investment decision. This marketing communication does not constitute an offer to buy or sell financial instruments, nor does it represent an investment recommendation or confirm any kind of transaction, except where expressly agreed. Although Candriam selects carefully the data and sources within this document, errors or omissions cannot be excluded a priori. Candriam cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect losses as a result of the use of this document. The intellectual property rights of Candriam must be respected at all times, contents of this document may not be reproduced without prior written approval.
Warning: Past performance of a given financial instrument or index or an investment service or strategy, or simulations of past performance, or forecasts of future performance does not predict future returns. Gross performances may be impacted by commissions, fees and other expenses. Performances expressed in a currency other than that of the investor's country of residence are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, with a negative or positive impact on gains. If the present document refers to a specific tax treatment, such information depends on the individual situation of each investor and may change.
In respect to money market funds, please be aware that an investment in a fund is different from an investment in deposits and that the investment’s principal is capable of fluctuation. The fund does not rely on external support for guaranteeing its liquidity or stabilizing its NAV per unit or share. The risk of loss of the principal is borne by the investor.
Candriam consistently recommends investors to consult via our website https://www.candriam.com the key information document, prospectus, and all other relevant information prior to investing in one of our funds, including the net asset value (“NAV) of the funds. Investor rights and complaints procedure, are accessible on Candriam’s dedicated regulatory webpages https://www.candriam.com/en/professional/legal-information/regulatory-information/. This information is available either in English or in local languages for each country where the fund’s marketing is approved.
According to the applicable laws and regulations, Candriam may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of a relevant fund at any time.
Information on sustainability-related aspects: the information on sustainability-related aspects contained in this communication are available on Candriam webpage https://www.candriam.com/en/professional/sfdr/. The decision to invest in the promoted product should take into account all the characteristics or objectives of the promoted product as described in its prospectus, or in the information documents which are to be disclosed to investors in accordance with the applicable law.