The European regulatory framework on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II/MiFIR) came into force the 3rd of January 2018.
MiFID II is the revision and continuation of MiFID I due to changes in market structures as a result of the financial crisis and is particularly intended to increase the transparency, efficiency and integrity of financial markets.
MiFID /MiFIR (hereinafter “MiFID”) is a regulatory framework, governing the provision on investment services such as portfolio management and investment advice, which sets high investor protection standards throughout Europe and regulates and harmonises trading in financial instruments.
Find below a detailed explanation of the principal measures outlined in the MiFID Directive and their impacts on Candriam activity of portfolio management and investment advice.
Download the document
Find hereunder all the documents relating to MiFID:
Procedure and forms to change of category (OPT UP/DOWN)
Procedure to change of category (Opt up/down) | |
Classification as a professional investor (individual) | |
Classification as a professional investor (company) | |
Application to be classified as a professional investor (individual) | |
Application to be classified as a professional investor (company) | |
Request to change investor classification for the purposes of receiving greater protection |
Overview of the main risks and features of Financial Instruments
Top 5 Brokers
“BEST SELECTION” 2022 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - CANDRIAM
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“BEST SELECTION” 2021 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam BELGIUM
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“BEST SELECTION” 2021 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam – Succursale française
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“BEST SELECTION” 2021 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam LUXEMBOURG
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“BEST SELECTION” 2020 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam BELGIUM
(.xml format)
“BEST SELECTION” 2020 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam – Succursale française
(.xml format)
“BEST SELECTION” 2020 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam LUXEMBOURG
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“BEST SELECTION” 2019 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam BELGIUM
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“BEST SELECTION” 2019 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam FRANCE
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“BEST SELECTION” 2019 - The 5 main intermediaries (brokers) - Candriam LUXEMBOURG
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Best Selection & Execution Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Complaints Procedure
Other Regulatory Information
Proxy Voting Policy
Since the beginning of 2003 Candriam has developed an active proxy voting policy and ever since it has actively exercised the voting rights associated with the shares it manages on behalf of its clients.
The cornerstones of Candriam’s Voting Policy are the rights and equal treatment of the shareholders, the accuracy of financial information, the accountability and independence of the board.
Download the document EN Download the document FR
External Disclosure on Remuneration Policy
Reported Intermedation Costs incurred by Candriam – Succursale française
Download the reported intermediation costs incurred by Candriam – Succursale française (in French)
How does Candriam address requirements from the EU Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II)?
Gender equality index, Candriam – Succursale française
In order to eliminate occupational inequality between women and men in companies, the Ministry of Labour has introduced the gender equality index, which is mandatory for all French companies with more than 50 employees.
The index is calculated out of 100 points on the basis of four indicators
- The gender pay gap,
- The difference in the distribution of individual raises,
- The number of employees given a raise on their return from maternity leave,
- Parity among the ten highest earners.
If the index comes in below 75 points, the company must implement corrective measures to reach at least 75 points within three years.
Candriam France’s gender equality index for 2023 is 87 points out of 100.
This score encourages us to continue our commitment to promoting equality among employees, whatever their role at Candriam.
Occupational equality between women and men in the selection process prior to them being hired, as well as at all stages in their career, is a major issue to which we pay the utmost attention.
Greater occupational diversity is a source of collective enrichment, economic efficiency and social balance.
Index 2024 : 92/100 (published on 17/02/2025)
Indicators |
Score obtained |
1- pay gap (%) |
38/40 |
2- differences in individual increases (in % or equivalent number of employees) |
35/35 |
3- percentage of employees given a raise on their return from maternity leave (%) |
incalculable |
4- number of employees of the under-represented gender among the ten highest earners |
5/10 |
Total calculable indicators |
78/85 92/100 |
Index 2023: 87/100 (published on 20/02/2024)
Index 2022: 86/100 (published on 21/02/2023)
Index 2021 : 81/100 (published on 08/02/2022)
Index 2020 : 75/100 (published on 22/02/2021)
Index 2019 : 84/100 (published on 21/02/2020)
Progress targets Gender Equality Index:
Although the data from the gender equality index does not show a significant pay gap, the company has set itself the target of improving the situation, and more specifically of reducing the pay gap in favour of men to below 10%. This improvement target has been specifically set based on the results of the 2021 index, in order to improve the score obtained on the pay gap indicator.
The company specifies that, since the publication of the index in February 2022, the latest measures for individual increases and changes in classification taken in the context of individual interviews and the agreement of 28 January 2020 have made it possible to further reduce the pay gap between women and men.
The company also maintains its objectives of continuing to:
- avoid any discrimination in terms of salary and salary development, particularly in relation to career development;
- aim for an equivalent percentage of men and women concerned by an individual increase in their remuneration.
The Company undertakes not to create new pay gaps between men and women, under any circumstances.
Candriam Summary of Investors' Rights