ESG analysis of companies: what’s in the bag?

Nowadays it seems that every asset manager wants to wave the ESG flag. But in the absence of industry standards governing the disclosure of ESG information by companies, the quality of analysis may vary.

Join Candriam Academy to access our new Module about ESG corporate analysis and learn five essential steps which need to be taken in order to fully understand a company’s ESG risk profile:

  1. Examine company’s earnings and expenditure to understand its main activity and its future direction
  2. Look at how this main activity aligns with key sustainability objectives
  3. Ask whether company’s operational conduct presents any scope for future controversies
  4. Once your analysis complete, update and do it again to keep up-to-date
  5. Cross pollinate ESG data across different functions, including corporate engagement

Candriam Academy aims to raise the awareness, education and knowledge of financial intermediaries on the topic of sustainable and responsible investing via an innovative online platform of inspiring and actionable content and materials.

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