Using your investments to fashion the future
Your investments will change the world. The very first euro you invest will be the first step in outlining your vision of the future. This makes investment a pro-active activity that you can shape to suit your personality, aspirations and values.
Here at Candriam, we believe that investment involves not just a search for immediate maximum profit for the investor, but rather is an action beneficial to all stakeholders.
For 25 years now, we have been innovating to identify – based on constantly upgraded proprietary analysis – those companies, in our eyes, most aware of their role in society.

“Our clients, who share this vision, and who are concerned with human progress on a planet with finite resources, believe in our ability to join with them in shaping the economy of tomorrow.”
A vision of the world
Our philosophy
Candriam, practising what it preaches, is as demanding of itself as it is of the companies in which it invests.
Since its foundation, Candriam has aimed to behave as responsibly as possible behaviour towards all stakeholders – clients, collaborators, suppliers, civil society and the environment.
Candriam, a responsible investor, consequently implements numerous initiatives on behalf of its stakeholders in an effort to constantly push back its corporate responsibility boundaries.
A short history lesson
Candriam and “responsible investment” go back a long way. To 1996, in fact. When only a few pioneers took an interest in that topic. That was the year in which Candriam launched its first two sustainable funds.
Candriam, in a nutshell …
A wide range of ESG portfolios and services
One of Europe’s biggest ESG teams
77% of AUM in ESG assets
Gradual integration into all other strategies
1996First SRI strategy
2000Launch of the Sustainable product range
2003Setup of proxy voting system
2005Creation of in-house ESG research team
2006Founding signatory of PRI
2008First Emerging Markets equity strategy
2009Creation of ESG sovereign analysis
2010ESG indexed strategies
2015Launch of dedicated sustainability Lux SICAV
2017Extension of ESG to new asset classes: Emerging Markets Bonds, High Yield & ETFs
Launch of Candriam Academy
2018Launch of fossil-free strategies
2019Launch of strategies fighting cancer and climate change
2020Launch of strategy supporting circular economy
2021Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
2022Launch of Private Debt Impact strategy in joint venture with Kartesia
2023Publication of Candriam’s Climate Strategy
2024Launch of first sustainable long-short strategy
Publication of Candriam’s Biodiversity Strategy