Over to our experts

Equities, Geoffroy Goenen, Jean-Baptiste Sergeant

Let’s not neglect European equities!

Since the US presidential elections, US equities have been on an uptrend driven by a certain optimism, as the expectation of tax cuts and deregulation have fuelled the hope of accelerated corporate earnings growth.
Outlook 2025, Christopher Mey, Paulo Salazar

Is China ready for another Trump fight?

With Donald Trump returning to the White House, tensions between the U.S. and China could rise again. His administration is expected to reintroduce tariffs and trade restrictions as part of an "America First" agenda, putting pressure on China’s already struggling economy.
Outlook 2025, Thibaut Dorlet, Nicolas Rutsaert, Nicolas Cleris

Try a Cup of Texas Tea: Oil as a Diversifier

As Donald Trump returns to White House, his policies could send ripples through the global oil market. These new effects add to the broader geopolitical and economic factors already faced. The interplay across all of these elements could redefine the energy landscape.
Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Fixed Income, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni

Beyond the Green Bond?

Ready for change?
Astrid Pierard, Alix Chosson, ESG, SRI, Water

Mastering the flow of water risks… A guide for investors

Les précipitations extrêmes et les sécheresses étant de plus en plus fréquentes, près de la moitié de la population mondiale est aujourd'hui confrontée à une grave pénurie d'eau pendant au moins une partie de l'année, selon les Nations unies.
Bastien Dublanc, Jessica Carlier, Astrid Pierard, Water, ESG, SRI

Forever chemicals… forever pollution?

Public awareness has risen on the risks posed by PFAS on health and on the environment. Business-wise, companies are facing increasing regulatory and market risks. Investors however should also be open to the potential opportunities offered by the PFAS market.