Geoffroy Goenen

Geoffroy Goenen

Head of Fundamental European Equity Management

Geoffroy Goenen has been Head of Fundamental European Equity Management since 2011. Beginning his career in 1997 in financial analysis, structured products and trading at Dexia Bank, in 1999 he took on a role as a European Equity Fund manager at Candriam’s predecessory company until adopting his current role.

Geoffroy holds Master’s degrees in law from the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium and in international law from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

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Equities, Geoffroy Goenen, Jean-Baptiste Sergeant

Let’s not neglect European equities!

Since the US presidential elections, US equities have been on an uptrend driven by a certain optimism, as the expectation of tax cuts and deregulation have fuelled the hope of accelerated corporate earnings growth.