Alix Chosson joined Candriam in 2020 as the Lead ESG Analyst for Environmental Research & Investments.
Alix has thirteen years of experience as ESG Analyst in SRI research and portfolio management teams. She started her career at Amundi in 2010 and has more recently been sell-side ESG analyst at Natixis before joining in 2018 DNCA to contribute to the creation of the SRI team and range of funds.
Alix graduated from Science Po Lyon with a master in economics and finance in 2010. In 2011 she obtained a Master in Portfolio Management from the IAE Paris 12.
Discover the latest articles by Alix Chosson

Astrid Pierard, Alix Chosson, ESG, SRI, Water
Les précipitations extrêmes et les sécheresses étant de plus en plus fréquentes, près de la moitié de la population mondiale est aujourd'hui confrontée à une grave pénurie d'eau pendant au moins une partie de l'année, selon les Nations unies.

Outlook 2024, Alix Chosson, Nicolas Rutsaert, Nicolas Cleris
Energy Transition Turbulence: Structural or Cyclical?
Rising rates, changing regulations, whipsawing and rapidly-reversing input costs – Investments in clean energies have both never been as high and never been as challenged as in 2023.

Biodiversity, ESG, SRI, Marie Niemczyk, Alix Chosson, Research Paper
Is Biodiversity an investment issue?
Investors who fail to consider biodiversity in their portfolios increase the global problem, in turn reducing the growth potential and increasing the risk to their own investments. These two connected systems chase each other in a downward spiral.