We have a comprehensive vision of your investments
Always closer to you
Our ambition is to support you in the investment choices that are most relevant to you. This means having the most experienced specialists in their field, strong convictions in the choice of investment solutions proposed, and results that give credibility to our ability to build a sustainable performance. The idea of seeing each constraint, each challenge, as an opportunity and a responsibility.
Practical example/Case study

Broad exposure to European high yield credit: seeking to outperform the benchmark, advanced risk management and consideration of the portfolio's climate impact.

Our proposal
Structure a high yield credit offering [1] , denominated in euros, with financial and non-financial objectives such as reducing the carbon intensity of the portfolio, measuring the temperature of the portfolio, considering scopes 1 and 2, and eventually scope 3.
[1] Main risks of the strategy: Risk of capital loss, interest rate risk, credit risk

Expertise mobilised
- The ability to respond to a sophisticated requirement integrating financial and non-financial constraints
- The ability to mobilise the appropriate expertise
- The consistency and relevance of the methodology
- The quality of the management teams involved
- Granularity of the ESG strategy