Steeve Brument

Steeve Brument

Global Head of Alternative Investments, Member of the Executive Committee

Steeve Brument has been Global Head of Alternative Investments since 2023, and Head of Quantitative Multi-Asset Strategies since 2019. Joining Candriam as a Systematic Fund Manager in 2001, he conducted extensive research on trading systems and systematic portfolio allocation. In 2007, he became Head of Systematic Funds, diversifying its CTA from traditional trend-following models to a blend of trend-following, pattern-recognition and counter-trend methodologies. 

He began his career in 1997 within the private client group of Merrill Lynch, moving to Refco Securities as a Futures and Equity Derivatives Broker before joining Candriam. 

Steeve holds a Masters degree in Finance from the PSB Paris School of Business. 

Discover the latest articles by Steeve Brument

Outlook 2025, Steeve Brument, Bertrand Dardenne

FUSIONEN UND ÜBERNAHMEN: Drei Trends für 2025?

Auf dem Weg ins Jahr 2025 scheinen sich die Zeichen für eine Wiederbelebung von Fusionen und Übernahmen zu verdichten, was ein fruchtbares Umfeld für Investoren schafft, die nach neuen Möglichkeiten suchen. Merger Arbitrage-Strategien versuchen, aus Fusions- und Übernahmetätigkeiten Kapital zu schlagen, indem sie einen strukturierten Ansatz für die Rendite verwenden.
Outlook 2023, Johann Mauchand, Steeve Brument, CTA

CTA's: "Ride of the Valkyries"

Hard landing or soft? From Draghi’s ‘’Whatever it takes” to Powell’s “Whatever it costs”, we know the markets are ready for exciting times. CTAs aim to face the next swing, whether it be hard landing or soft.
CTA, Alternative Investments, Asset Allocation, Johann Mauchand, Research Paper, Steeve Brument

Smile! Die CTA-Konvexität ist nicht verloren …

Die Konvexität bzw. der „Smile“ von CTA-Fonds entwickelt sich im Laufe der Zeit. Einige Smiles sind jedoch breiter als andere.
Q&A, Steeve Brument, Aktien

CTA - Commodity Trading Advisors*: Ein trendinvestment?

Steeve Brument, Head of Quantitative Multi-Asset Strategies, Deputy Global Head of Multi-Asset, explains how a strategy invested in futures can deliver performance by harnessing the various market trends.
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