Lamine Saidi has been managing Emerging Markets Equities portfolios for Candriam since 2005. He has been the lead manager for Candriam’s Sustainable EM strategies since 2008. Once a pioneering area, Lamine has accompanied the journey of sustainable emerging markets to a mainstream concept and asset category.
Prior to joining Candriam, Lamine was with Fortis Investment in Paris and Swicorp Financial Advisory in Geneva.
Lamine holds a Master’s degree in Banking and Financial Econometrics from University of Aix-en-Provence in France.
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Q&A, Emerging Markets, Paulo Salazar, Philip Screve, Lamine Saidi
Paulo Salazars, Philip Scrève und Lamine Saidi geben Einsichten bezüglich der Stimmung gegenüber Schwellenmärkte und beschreiben, wie sie Wachstumsbereiche aufspüren.