Im Zuge der US-Wahlen im November 2024 analysiert unsere USA-Korrespondentin, Lauren Goodwin, Chief Market Strategist bei unserer Muttergesellschaft New York Life Investments, die Wahlkampagnen und wie US-Investoren sich in diesem Umfeld zurechtfinden. Alle zwei Wochen erscheint diese Analyse.Verpassen Sie nicht unsere US-Chroniken!
Dieser Inhalt ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Chapter 6: US Chronicles reality
Reality and nuances are taking hold, as always does after the first knee-jerk reactions from investors. Markets globally are beginning to incorporate the nuances. Despite the policy cut from the Federal Reserve on 7 November, markets are, and have been, pricing in higher rates as they consider(ed) future government deficits. Will President-elect Trump follow through on the corporate tax cuts, and will the bond markets accept it?
Have small-caps overreacted to the Trump win, potential corporate tax cuts, and the strength of the US economy?
Lauren Goodwin, Chief Market Strategist of New York Life Investments, addresses the coming months.

Chapter 5: US Chronicles Special: Trump’s Victory and Its Market Implications
Lauren Goodwin, Chief Market Strategist at New York Life Investments, unpacks the impact of Donald Trump’s presidential win and what it means for investors. With control of Congress still uncertain, Lauren explores key areas such as trade policies, regulation, and potential market shifts. Gain valuable insights on navigating the evolving economic landscape post-election.

Chapter 4: How are we positioning portfolios ahead of the election?
On a global, all-asset basis, investors must balance the uncertainty of the US election and its aftermath against the strength of the US economy. Nadege Dufosse, CFA, Global Head of Multi-Asset at Candriam, is joined by Lauren with to discuss medium-term ideas for diversification rather than disarray.

Chapter 3: Stock market sector moves may be different this time around
‘This time is different’ are the four most dangerous words in investing, to paraphrase investor John Templeton. But when it really is different, watch out for extreme weather conditions. In this episode, Lauren explains why the typical sector rotations under Republican or Democratic wins may be very different from past experience.

Chapter 2: Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump and the Economic Implications of a Divided Government
In this special episode of US Chronicles, Lauren Goodwin, Chief Market Strategist at New York Life Investments, is joined by Jon Paone and Kerry Cole from New York Life Insurance Company's Office of Government Affairs to analyse the key factors shaping the 2024 US elections. They discuss the tight race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the likelihood of divided government and the potential impact on tax reform, business sentiment and the economy. Whether you're an investor or just following the political scene, this episode offers key insights into what's at stake.

Chapter 1: US Election Stakes: Key Differentiators for Investors
Lauren introduces what is at stake in the US election from a US investor perspective. She highlights which four topics starkly differentiate both candidates’ programs: taxes, immigration, industrial policy and trade.