Generating Impact with Private Debt

The rise of ESG Investing encompasses private debt, which is emerging as one of the fastest growing categories of alternative assets, also supported by the Covid-19 pandemic: it is projected to increase 11.4% annually, from US$848 billion at the end of 2020 to US$1.46 trillion by the end of 2025*.

On top of the many already well-known attractive characteristics it presents for institutional investors, from portfolio diversification to low correlation to public markets, Private Debt now adds a new element of interest with the integration of ESG into its investment structure.

An innovative strategy resulting from the combination of a Private Debt expert and a recognized leader in Sustainable Investing, the newly-launched Kartesia Impact Fund I seeks to promote a more inclusive and environmentally efficient society, by investing in companies directly contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and supporting others in their transition to more impactful practices.

Couldn't attend our webinar but want answers? Here is the replay and clarifications from Damien Scaillierez, Managing Partner, Frantz Paulus, Head of Investor Relations and Coralie De Maesschalck, Head of CSR & ESG.



CANDRIAM holds a minority equity stake in Kartesia. To learn more about the relationship CANDRIAM-Kartesia, click here.

* Preqin Special Report: The Future of Alternatives 2025


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